Look after yourself and value your health as much as you value the health of others.
A simple affirmation, wouldn’t you agree? Implicit in this statement, though, is a question. Can you see it? We must firstly be clear on how we do valuing health. On the health continuum, how do you value health? Do you aim at becoming the healthiest possible version of yourself, or do you hover around the pathology end of the health continuum, valuing medicine and how it can stabilise a pathological state? Your answer to this question determines the quality of the health you experience in your life.
What actions do you take each day to optimise your own health and wellbeing? Are your actions recovery oriented, aiming to resume the state you were in before work or on the weekend, or do your actions deliver you to a high level of health, where you have enough energy and stamina to do more than just go to work and come home each day, where you can flourish and thrive in all you do and in all you are becoming?
First steps and small steps are all that is needed to initiate health changes in our lives. What do you choose to do right now to value your health even more?
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