
Anne Wilson on what to look for when it comes to online learning

Online learning is absolutely essential in a fast-paced world, according to an academic and registered nurse and midwife, but she added it's important to choose the right elearning.

"It’s about the type of program that you’re looking at [and] the way in which that program or education material is delivered. Does it suit you? Does that actual program suit and what does it give you in the end. Nurses do so much education that they don’t necessarily come out with the right information or skills or qualification that might actually benefit them personally," Dr Anne Wilson, associate professor from Flinders University and the University of New South Wales told Nursing Review.

In the interview, Wilson also discussed the online learning opportunities that have arisen within the last few years and what it will look like in a decade’s time and addressed concerns about the lack of face-to-face guidance and support.

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