“The time to get serious about entrepreneurial thinking, practice and possibilities is now.”
These are the words of Flinders University and Monash University professor Philip Darbyshire.
“Health funding is in a perpetual crisis. Technology is moving too fast for many of our systems to adapt to it,” he said in a recent paper. “It is clear that we require new approaches to thinking, creativity and problem solving in nursing, nurse education and healthcare.”
In an interview with Nursing Review, Darbyshire detailed his thoughts on why entrepreneurialism in nursing, although not a new concept, is an idea “whose time has come”.
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YAY! Philip has captured the reason why I so love nursing but the culture kills me! I have put many good ideas forward in several jobs… and been slapped down so many times. This exposure just makes me timid and risk averse like the rest of them… even tho this is not in my nature. I am a risk-taker and creative person but nursing just knocks this out of me! Keep up the good work Philip!