
Share your passion

Conference to give primary care nurses the opportunity to extend knowledge and skills.

This year has seen a number of important changes within the primary care system, including national registration and change to the PBS, which will widen the scope and role of practice nurses.

And with these changes come challenges. The North Queensland Practice Nurse Clinical Education (PNCE) conference – to be held in less than two weeks – will help practice nurses meet those challenges by providing the knowledge and practical skills they require, regardless of their background or previous experience.

The theme of this year’s conference is Sharing the Passion. “General practice is at times challenging for all, but the one resounding message over the past few years from the PNCE is the true passion practice nurses have,” said John Gorton, Reed Medical Education group director.

Keynote addresses will tackle two topical subjects: ‘Current trends in practice nurse salary and conditions’ and ‘Legal issues - where do you stand?’

Conference delegates will be able to choose from a range of sessions, with brand new topics including: ‘The prevention and management of melioidosis, dengue fever and the Barmah Forest virus’, ‘ECG interpretation and cardiovascular risk calculation’ and ‘National registration and CPD points’.

North Queensland PNCE will be held on 20 and 21 August at the Jupiter’s Townsville Hotel and Casino. Go to Registrations close 19 August.

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