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Time to deliver on promise of aged care reform

Aged Care nurses and assistants in nursing welcome 2011 as the year of reform.

Nurses and assistants in nursing working in the aged care sector are hoping the government holds good on its promises of reform for the coming year, says ANF Federal Secretary Lee Thomas.

During the 2011 election campaign Prime Minister Julia Gillard stated that "if re-elected, further aged care reform will be a second term priority", and the ANF looks forward to that promise becoming a reality in 2011.

The Productivity Commission is due to hand down its preliminary report into aged care on 21 January, and this will enable the government to commence substantial reform to the sector, said Thomas.

"Aged care nurses were thrilled when the Prime Minister made her commitment to reform aged care as a second term priority. We eagerly anticipate the reform which is so necessary to deliver an aged care system that all Australians deserve," Thomas said.

"Dedicated aged care nurses and assistants in nursing commit their working lives to caring for others and they deserve acknowledgement and respect for this work."

Numerous reports into aged care by previous governments have failed to resolve long standing issues in aged care, Thomas said.

"But we hope the Productivity Commission report in 2011 will be acted on. Every year that passes and every time the aged care issue is pushed into the too-hard basket, the situation becomes increasingly dire."

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