
ED scholarships on offer

A new batch of scholarships aims to increase the number of prepared, confident and skilled nurses providing patient care in emergency departments.

Nurses working, or planning to work in emergency departments may be eligible for a range of scholarships, covering a wide variety of skill levels.

The scheme is a federal government initiative seeking to support nurses and nursing students who are currently working or have aspirations to work in emergency departments. The scholarships cover professional development, clinical placements and postgraduate courses. Emergency department non-clinical support staff are also eligible for continuing professional development scholarships.

There are scholarships available within emergency departments in the following areas:
* Postgraduate study, including but not limited to nurse practitioners
* Continuing professional development
* Emergency department non-clinical support staff wanting to undertake continuing professional development
* Clinical placement in an emergency department for undergraduate and postgraduate nursing students, and registered nurses who want to enhance their experience or change their professional area of practice.

Royal College of Nursing, Australia (RCNA) is administering the Nursing and Allied Health Scholarship and Support Scheme (NAHSSS): Emergency Department on behalf of the government.

Funding from NAHSSS: Emergency Department will be for the 2011 academic year, covering activities undertaken since January 1. Applications are now open and close July 1.

For information on eligibility and scholarship funding, go to

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