Nursing duo receive Churchill Fellowships
Two nurses have won the opportunity to travel overseas to further their passion before returning to Australia to implement their findings.
Two Sydney Nursing School academics have been awarded 2011 Churchill Fellowships enabling them to develop their nursing expertise at overseas locations.
Awarded to Australia’s ‘best and brightest’, Churchill fellows are selected for their innovation and excellence in their chosen field.
Professor Kate White, appointed as NSW’s first Academic Chair in Cancer Nursing, will travel to the United Kingdom to examine the role of nurse-led clinics focussed on intervention strategies for sexual dysfunction in cancer patients.
As professor in cancer nursing, Kate White leads the Cancer Nursing Research Unit, a collaboration between Sydney Nursing School at the University of Sydney, the Cancer Institute of New South Wales and the Sydney Cancer Centre, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital.
Under White’s leadership the Cancer Nursing Research Unit provides support in areas of cancer nursing research, education, models of service provision and is working to optimise state-wide cancer nursing services.
White’s colleague, Associate Professor Kim Foster, received her Churchill fellowship to assist her work in developing programs for building resilience in children and families where parents have a mental illness.
Foster has particular expertise and interest in mental health, nurse education, curriculum development, and research. She is the Coordinator of Mental Health Nursing programs at Sydney Nursing School. She will travel to Canada, USA, and the Netherlands
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