
Have your say on aged care sector reforms

Nurses can comment on workforce and quality of care issues affecting the sector in a national survey by NR’s sister publication.

Nurses working in aged care and those with an interest in gerontology are being encouraged to have their say on whether the government is likely to implement the reforms to aged care as outlined by the Productivity Commission’s Caring for Older Australians report.

NR’s sister publication Aged Care INsite is running an online survey which asks aged care health professionals and nurses whether they think there is likely to be bipartisan support for reform of aged care, should the government move to do so.

The survey of readers comes during an ongoing ‘conversation on ageing’ being led by minister for ageing Mark Butler, who has been touring Australia meeting older Australians to hear their views on the PC’s recommendations.

At the same time, he is consulting with industry through the National Aged Care Alliance (NACA) which is a representative group of providers, unions and consumers.

The INsite survey also asks readers how confident they are that if the PC recommendations were implemented what difference they would make to key issues, such as low wages, burdensome regulation and quality of care.

The results of the survey will be carried in the upcoming Dec/Jan issue of INsite, which is published online next Monday.

To complete the survey click on the following link

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