Free online help for new parents

Parents facing the double whammy of caring for a new baby and dealing with an unhelpful partner can get help from a free online tool designed to reduce postnatal depression.
The blog and app, based on findings of a 10-year study, were launched on Wednesday by the Jean Hailes for Women's Health organisation in Melbourne.
Research unit director professor Jane Fisher says up to 25 per cent of women will experience disabling symptoms of depression or anxiety in the first year after giving birth. Also, about 10 per cent of fathers will experience clinically significant psychological distress in the first five years of fatherhood.
"We have identified two major risk factors that can lead to postnatal depression or anxiety – caring for an unsettled baby and a partner who's unwilling to share the work or who is critical or controlling," Fisher said.
The tools provide strategies to help settle the baby and negotiate changes in the parents' relationships without confrontation.
The blog follows the experiences of a team of new parents whilst professionals, including child health nurses and psychologists, respond to their posts with expert advice.
Other new parents can leave comments.
The app details each stage of the baby's development through quizzes, activities and videos and the key factors for new parents to watch out for in respect to their own wellbeing.
Visit the What Were We Thinking blog and download the app here.
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