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New body to drive digital health strategies and tech innovation

The Digital Health Cooperative Research Centre (DHCRC) has announced a national, cross-university network in a bid to advance Australia's digital health systems.

The Australian Council of Senior Academic Leaders in Digital Health (the Council) will bring together academic leaders from 36 universities to "advance the application of digital technology, informatics and data science to health in Australia."

The announcement comes after the Productivity Commission concluded that improved integration of digital technologies into Australian healthcare systems could save more than $5 billion a year.

The Productivity Commission identified digital technologies as a "vital enabler of productivity growth," with the potential to alleviate a number of pressures on the healthcare system, including an aging population, an increased burden of chronic disease, and higher patient expectations.

DHCRC chief Annette Schmiede said the Council will be integral to the development of national digital health strategies.

“The future of Australia’s health sector depends on the ability to build and scale digital health
knowledge, innovation, commercialisation and research translation,” Ms Schmiede said.

“This requires an industry-informed, academically powered, research agenda to inform investment in
infrastructure support, and most importantly a collaborative and collective approach.

“Creating opportunities for collaboration is why the DHCRC was established, and the formation of this
Council is a milestone that will help fast track the integration of digital health research into practice.”

The Council will initially focus on four priority areas:

  • Strategic leadership in the higher education and health sectors related to digital health
  • Strengthening the quality and value of academic education and scholarly research activities in
    digital health
  • Advocating for effective investment in digital health education and research
  • Representing, engaging and reflecting higher education institutions’ needs and perspectives, to
    enhance their impact

Professor Clair Sullivan, Director of the Queensland Digital Health Research Centre at the University of Queensland, has been appointed chair of the Council.

“Universities have a key role in supporting industry and governments to solve digital health and
transformation challenges,” Professor Sullivan said.

“The Council will provide an opportunity for the digital health research sector to engage with advocates from across health, technology and business.

“This will help us promote best practice standards, education and training that fuels innovation, drives
health system efficiency and sustainability, so contributing to better health outcomes for all

“The health sector is in a state of perpetual reform to meet increasing demand, increasing costs and
increasing community expectations in a complex, fragmented and resource constrained ecosystem," Professor Sullivan said.

“The Council will look to address issues around the broader adoption and application of digital in
healthcare as well as challenges in upskilling current and future workforce to embrace the
opportunities presented by digital advancements."

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