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Faculties update

The latest news from across the faculties.

Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC) meetings

Throughout August and September all FACs held their quarterly meetings. Due to busy workloads, retirement and other commitments, resignations were received from the following members: Dan Gordon (New Generation of Nurses FAC); Helen McLean (Rural Nursing and Midwifery FAC); Liz Morgan, Caroline Vafeas and Stephen Midson (Health and Wellbeing in Ageing Faculty); and Julie Porritt (Community and Primary Health Care FAC).

Julie has recently joined RCNA National Office staff as the Director, Membership and Business Development. RCNA would like to thank all of these members for their valuable contributions. At these meetings all FACs agreed upon revised Terms of Reference (TOR) which guide their FAC activities.

An important revision to the TOR is that FAC vacancies will be filled through a call for self-nomination process. Calls for expressions of interest will be emailed to all members of specific faculties. This will take place over the coming month, so if you are interested in becoming more involved with your RCNA FAC keep an eye out! All FAC minutes and the updated TOR can be viewed by RCNA members at www.rcna.org.au/faculties/.

Faculty electronic newsletters

RCNA launched the inaugural edition of eNewGen (New Generation of Nurses Faculty) and eMovement Disorders (Movement Disorders and Parkinson’s Nurses Faculty) electronic newsletters. Both newsletters are produced monthly and are available to all RCNA members.

Conference attendance

National Rural Health Alliance (NRHA): Jackie Poyser and Julie Porritt from National Office attended components of the annual NRHA CouncilFest held in Canberra in August. The four-day event involved a passionate, energetic and critical analysis and debate of rural health in Australia. Outcomes from CouncilFest included a seven-point plan for better rural and remote health, which can be accessed at

United Nations Conference ‘Advance global health: achieve the Millennium Development Goals’: FAC representatives attended this conference and reported that while Australia is well positioned in achieving these goals, if we were to look at the health of Indigenous Australians in isolation, our country is indeed lagging in achieving the Millennium Goals. Further information relating to outcomes from the conference can be found at www.un-ngls.org/spip.php?article2857.

If you are interested in learning more about RCNA faculties, please go to www.rcna.org.au/faculties/ or call 1800 061 660.

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