There’s success in synergy

A national forum has explored how nurses can make a difference both as individuals and collectively.
The Australian College of Nursing’s first National Nursing Forum has been labelled a success by the profession and organisers alike.
Taking as its theme “Success through Synergy”, the three-day event brought together about 300 nursing professionals from around the country.
National Communicator of the Year Robyn Moore and Louise Mahler, mind-body-voice expert, were highlights of the event.
“The presentation from Louise on how to use our voices intelligently, and which resulted in the whole audience singing as one, was very impressive,” Debra Thoms, CEO of the College of Nursing, said.
“Robyn Moore reminded us of how, as individuals and collectively, we can make a difference by the way we interact with people and by not letting some of the day-to-day aspects of life take our energy from us.”
Professor Thoms also made special mention of Philip Darbyshire’s overview of the Francis inquiry in the UK, as well as speakers Jane McNally and Michael Carter.
“All speakers addressed the theme of success through synergy relevant to their own topic, providing attendees with a rich array of topics to choose from when attending sessions,” she said.
“There were many different things that participants could take away that were appropriate to them as individuals and to their workplaces, but the overall message was that as individuals we can make a difference to how we are in the workplace and in our lives, and collectively as a profession we can make change and improve care for the community.”
Posters were another element that addressed the theme, widening the opportunity for participants to learn and gain insight, with 19 posters, entered as abstracts before the event, on display.
Private nursing consultant Moira Maraun’s “Nursing Manifesto” poster – a public declaration of what she believes nursing can be – won the prize for best poster.
“I poured my passion into the words on that poster,” she said. “To be able to present it, to wear my heart on my sleeve and to be accepted by my peers doing just that, was a sufficient reward.”
Rich conversation with enthusiastic nurses was the highlight for Ms Maraun, who said nurses were noticeably more refreshed and rejuvenated as the conference went on.
She said the organisers did an excellent job eliciting such a relevant theme.
“Without synergy, we’re doing it all on our own and that just doesn’t cut it in nursing,” she said. “We must work as a collective group of skilled and professional individuals, supporting each other, with the common goal of providing outstanding care for our clients. This is not only possible, it is essential.”
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