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What older adults want to improve their quality of life

Quality of life measures in the aged care industry have typically relied on clinical indicators, such as an individual's weight, past medical history or prescription use.

Professor Julie Ratcliffe from Flinders University led a team to interview 3,000 older Australians and their carers to ask what they believe makes a good quality of life.

A new set of 'person-focused' tools was developed using this research to help measure and assess quality of life standards in aged care settings.

Ratcliffe joined Aged Care Insite to dig into how we can define good standards of living, how providers can use new tools to improve care, and why people need to be at the centre of measuring life quality.

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One Comment

  1. Hi.
    Listening in from Ireland to the news measurement of QoL and QoC. Interested to hear them broken down into separate components as too often elders living in residential are only scored on QoC and thoes still living independent on QoL. It is often only when QoL hits rock bottom that any type of care begins to be considered. They need to run concurrently.

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