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Giving new nurses a voice and a place in the profession

With the first teleconference meeting of RCNA’s New Generation of Nurses Faculty (NGNF) just around the corner, the Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC) is eager to share its ideas on the purpose and potential of the faculty.

NGNF is about harnessing the energy, views and fresh ideas of nurses who have just entered, or are about to enter the profession whilst also encouraging this demographic to take an active interest in their profession.

Jessica Heenan, who co-chairs the FAC, believes that new nurses have a lot to offer nursing.

“I joined the committee because I am passionate about the advancement of our wonderful profession and I believe new nurses and young nurses are the way of the future – although we have much to learn from our more experienced colleagues,” she said.

The faculty will offer students and new nurses many opportunities to engage with each other and with RCNA; through local events, via a fortnightly newsletter and an online discussion forum.

For James Bonello MRCNA, FAC co-chair, the faculty is about “giving the new generation of nurses a voice and a place; somewhere that they can be welcomed and encouraged and mentored.”

The NGNF offers nursing students and recent graduates a forum through which they can share their experiences and ideas, and helps ensure RCNA is responsive to the professional needs and expectations of these nurses.

Jessica’s goal for the faculty is simple: “I want every nursing student and new grad to become a member of our organisation and to unite our passion to promote and advance the nursing profession!”

For more on the NGNF, watch our video at www.rcna.org.au/about/video/new_gen.

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